Saturday, July 12, 2014

Unexpected info from Todd Coyle

Hello everybody!

I've been awfully quiet for the past weeks, my deepest apologies. My job is literally overwhelming me as of late, and it leaves me no time at all for anything else. I expect things will change soon, but in the meantime I'm happily surprised there's an increasing interest in the blog. I've noticed the visits have nothing but grown in my absence, which fills me with joy. Thank you all for your interest and daily visits!

Now, as a little reward for your patience, let me tell you Todd Coyle himself (owner of Todd's Costumes and creator of MANY of the Xena replicas seen here) recently wrote me to shed some light on his chakram replicas. He's been of great help, so many many thanks Mr. Coyle!

I've added all his notes in my original entry, but differently colored so they're easy to spot. I invite you to visit it and enjoy all the firsthand information that Mr. Coyle has so selflessly shared.

Here's the link:

Feel free to share your impressions, it's always a big pleasure to hear back from fellow fans.

Cheers, until we "talk" again!

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